Yeah you heard me. Not McDonalds, McThai. That's what its called here. I said to myself, "self, since you are no longer obese on the asian scale at the hospital, you deserve a cheeseburger." Oh did I mention that McThai delivers??? Wouldn't that be nice at home. They put all of your food in a box on that back of a motorcycle and bring it to wherever you are. All you have to do is pick up the phone and dial 1711 and order your food. You may want to take a few lessons in Thai first, otherwise they probably wont get your order right. They menu there is DEFINITELY not like at home. They have your standard nuggets and double cheeseburger and fries, but those are asian tasting as well. The rest of their menu consists of hot dogs, fried chicken, a samurai pork burger?? A chicken and ham pie (ew.) Like we have at home, they have the crispy delicious pies, or so they call it. We at least have apple. They have corn, pineapple, tuna, spinach? Yucky. They also asian steamed rice with beef stuff. Not about to try it. Oh and don't forget Ronald McThai Buddha. Heres a few pictures for you. Needless to say, I'm not LOVIN' it.

I wanted to get away from the busy city of Bangkok and the 14 million people living in it. I wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle and see what it's really like out in the country side of Thailand. So what do we go and do? Hire a driver of course. How far did I have to drive to see a village and the country side you ask? Only a long 4 hours. And boy was it long. First, it was a long ride to God knows where, about 2.5 hours or so, and then hopped a train at the Kwai River. Speaking of, has anyone ever watched the old movie called "The Bridge On The River Kwai?" It is a WW2 movie from the 50's. If I remember correctly, William Holden was in it. Well, that was one of my stops today. It is where the movie was filmed. If you look at the photo above, that was way back when. Here's now.

Pretty huh? And yes, you probably guessed it..I caught the next train. Let me show you a few things I found along the way. The first thing I want to show you is the ribbon tree. It was right before getting on the train. People put scarves and ribbons all around it. I thought it was very beautiful. And what a way to dress up a tree! :)
Now enjoy the scenery.
This is the train I am on. It took everything I had to hang out my train window, over a cliff to get this photo!
Kwai River
This mother was selling little items to try and make money while her sweet little baby took a nap.
This is a photo of one of the MANY monks you'll see in Thailand.
This was one of the very nice homes.
This was the most adorable little boy. He was outside helping his mom pick up.
This makes me never want to complain again..These people owned elephants. I got to ride them and feed them bananas. This is the buddy I made. His name is Shimmy.
This sweet boy LOVED to give me kisses. He would even make a kissing sound with his trunk. (See photo below) Then he would wrap his trunk around me like he was giving me a big bear hug. He must know I LOVE big bear hugs.
Shimmy was nice enough to share his kisses with Billy too!
I hope you all enjoyed the photos as much as I did taking them. I hope these photos have touched you like seeing this stuff in person touched me. Some of the things that I have seen today have forever touched me. They make me so thankful that my child has a place to sleep at night. In an air conditioned home with a roof. Air condition is the least of their problems. Sometimes we lose sight of the important things and the blessings that are given to us. Today has been an eye opener and I will always remember it.
 I give you the Baiyoke sky hotel. Or as I would much rather call it, because I am not the biggest fan of heights. Not to mention if you take the stairs, yeah you'll definitely die. Why would they have stairs for a building so tall? Maybe that's how Asians stay so skinny. Between that and their skimpy portion sizes I would definitely bet that's why. OH! Before I go any further, I must tell you this! I thought to myself, "self, you've been sweating your butt off in this hot and humid city of Bangkok. You've been starving yourself on these tiny amounts of food, SURELY YOU HAVE LOST WEIGHT." So, I decide to woman up and go face that mean little scale that had the nerve to call me obese. I step on, enter my height, enter my age, and oh boy the moment of truth here it comes!!! It prints out my little paper ticket and I immediately notice that it says STANDARD! I am no longer obese! I suddenly here the hallelujah chorus! And I rejoice in this wonderful moment as I thank this horrible Asian climate for helping me go from obese to standard in a week! Ok ok, I know, back to the story..so Baiyoke Sky Hotel. Here's a few facts. 

The Baiyoke Sky Hotel is a 85 story, 1,077ft hotel. It features an observatory deck on the 77th floor. If that's not good enough for you, take another elevator to the 84th an final floor. You will find a 360 degrees revolving deck on top.  When I got at the very top, it was a big moment for me. Some of you reading this might know I DO not like being that high without being strapped in. So me being out in the open 1,077ft in the air is a HUGE deal. The last time I had to climb high at work, I at least had someone telling me funny jokes on the way up. Lol. Wanna know the worst part for me? You have to take a solid glass elevator all the way up to the 77th floor.  I didn't like that! At all! So here's is a photo from the very top. 

 I'd much rather my tiny little size 6 feet stay ON the ground. 

Well I suppose I'll give you guys a break from all of the medical talk. And give you guys an insight of what we have been getting to see here in Bangkok. You'll actually get to enjoy all of the sight seeing without all of the AWFUL walking I had to do the past week to get these photos. I think I've literally sweat out every toxin in my entire body! I feel like I lose almost 20lbs a day..until I walk back into the facilities here and I see that stupid asian scale, that called me obese, staring me in the face!
 I do believe, billy will be going as a raccoon for Halloween! Lol! the doctor said it'll probably get a litte worse tomorrow then start clearing up. He is doing fine however he said he feels a tad bit if discomfort,