 I do believe, billy will be going as a raccoon for Halloween! Lol! the doctor said it'll probably get a litte worse tomorrow then start clearing up. He is doing fine however he said he feels a tad bit if discomfort,

Anastasiya Heim
10/1/2013 12:04:15 pm

So VEry happy to read all of your posts! I feel like I am right there again! Alll the pictures of food and procedures, the stem cells are really a small portion of the entire experience!! The posts are awesome and I cant wait to keep reading!!!! Good Luck!!!

10/1/2013 10:55:34 pm

I'm very glad to hear from you! It's definitely been interesting! Some has been very enjoyable, and of course not so much watching him go through some things. but we're hopeful and enjoying the experiences here!

Anastasiya Heim
10/5/2013 01:06:48 pm

I knew there was NO way that you guys would not enjoy yourselves there! Thailand is amazing and the staff really make the hospital stay so much better. Keep us posted!!


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