Well I suppose I'll give you guys a break from all of the medical talk. And give you guys an insight of what we have been getting to see here in Bangkok. You'll actually get to enjoy all of the sight seeing without all of the AWFUL walking I had to do the past week to get these photos. I think I've literally sweat out every toxin in my entire body! I feel like I lose almost 20lbs a day..until I walk back into the facilities here and I see that stupid asian scale, that called me obese, staring me in the face!
10/2/2013 01:13:46 am

Some great pictures. What kind of animal was that? Was it a type of Alligator?

10/2/2013 02:11:37 am

It's actually an iguana. They just walk around their park lol it's very different that your typical ducks you can feed bread to. I tried feeding it bread then found out they eat meat. I guess that's why he didn't like the bread very much lol

10/5/2013 01:10:13 pm

The photos that you took are amazing! you really capture the way they live over there, now all you need is 500 photos of street vendors selling exotic food and everyone will feel like they are there with you! :))

10/6/2013 12:51:33 am

Isn't that the truth!!!


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