 I give you the Baiyoke sky hotel. Or as I would much rather call it, because I am not the biggest fan of heights. Not to mention if you take the stairs, yeah you'll definitely die. Why would they have stairs for a building so tall? Maybe that's how Asians stay so skinny. Between that and their skimpy portion sizes I would definitely bet that's why. OH! Before I go any further, I must tell you this! I thought to myself, "self, you've been sweating your butt off in this hot and humid city of Bangkok. You've been starving yourself on these tiny amounts of food, SURELY YOU HAVE LOST WEIGHT." So, I decide to woman up and go face that mean little scale that had the nerve to call me obese. I step on, enter my height, enter my age, and oh boy the moment of truth here it comes!!! It prints out my little paper ticket and I immediately notice that it says STANDARD! I am no longer obese! I suddenly here the hallelujah chorus! And I rejoice in this wonderful moment as I thank this horrible Asian climate for helping me go from obese to standard in a week! Ok ok, I know, back to the story..so Baiyoke Sky Hotel. Here's a few facts. 

The Baiyoke Sky Hotel is a 85 story, 1,077ft hotel. It features an observatory deck on the 77th floor. If that's not good enough for you, take another elevator to the 84th an final floor. You will find a 360 degrees revolving deck on top.  When I got at the very top, it was a big moment for me. Some of you reading this might know I DO not like being that high without being strapped in. So me being out in the open 1,077ft in the air is a HUGE deal. The last time I had to climb high at work, I at least had someone telling me funny jokes on the way up. Lol. Wanna know the worst part for me? You have to take a solid glass elevator all the way up to the 77th floor.  I didn't like that! At all! So here's is a photo from the very top. 

 I'd much rather my tiny little size 6 feet stay ON the ground. 

Lewis Leonard
10/5/2013 01:46:34 am

I guess you'll get this. Nice pics,sorry I haven't touched base with you. Hope all is going well. How's Rocky the raccoon? Take care, love ya'll.

10/6/2013 02:06:10 pm

It's no problem. Thanks though, Hope you guys have liked the photos. Everythings going ok so far. His eyes are gradually getting better.

Anastasiya Heim
10/6/2013 11:45:59 pm

"His eyes are gradually getting better" ???!?!?! WHAT??!?!
Wait are you saying the stem cells are ALREADY working!?!?

10/5/2013 01:14:24 pm

Wow! You guys are really using your spare time wisely! Love the photos and your writing skills are great in describing everything!!

10/6/2013 12:50:22 am

Thank you so much for all of your kind words! I'm so glad I could share our stories and photos with everyone! Oh the powers of the internet :)

Anastasiya Heim
10/5/2013 01:24:24 pm

Jennifer, I just read the "My Story" section and let me tell you that you all are really paying it forward! It is so touching and so true, I know that you will and have done everything for the love of your life! You really do have a special realtionship, not all married couples are that way. Everything that God puts you through might be a battle but it is only a glimps of the life that you will be helping. You will be able to help someone else because of your experinces and all that you are going through is not in vein! I am so proud of you for not quitting, and never loosing faith. Can't wait to keep reading!!

Anastasiya Heim
10/6/2013 11:46:47 pm

"His eyes are gradually getting better" ???!?!?! WHAT??!?!
Wait are you saying the stem cells are ALREADY working!?!?

10/10/2013 02:57:28 am

hahah just saw this! NO! I meant the brusing underneath! LOL

10/10/2013 02:58:16 am

haha! Just saw your comment! NO! I was talking about his brusing underneath his eyes lol!

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