We are officially in Beijing, China. And, our 9 hour layover begins. Also, on the Taco Bell update. NO TACO BELL. However, There is a Pizza Hut, although its written in crazy chinese lettering, I recognize the logo. They are currently closed or I'd try it out. It is 5:00am here in China. A 13 hour time difference from home. The 14 hour flight went well, I suppose! We did get served a very strange asian meal for dinner. (as pictured above!) My laptop is about to die. I'll get with you guys again soon!

Well the time has come and we are officially at the airport. I guess you may notice in the photo to the left that little Billy has found himself a friend. Yes, she is a cardboard cutout. However!, the terminal we are sitting in is full of about 100 NON-CUTOUT real Chinese people. They keep staring at us do to us being the only Americans in Terminal D. I kind of feel like we're already there because NO one in this room speaks a lick of English. I am definitely having fun people watching though. Ladies, you know how it feels when you go to the nail salon and the lady named Ling Ling or some other off the wall asian name is acting like she's your friend while doing your manicure, but you can tell she's really talking about you behind your back with a big ol smile on her face. Well, consider Terminal D a huge giant nail salon. Ugh.          


You know that feeling when you're packing for a trip and you always have that feeling that you left something behind? Well, when you're packing a suit case for 2 different people for 3 full weeks of travel, I think it's probably safe to say, I probably forgot majority of the things we really need! Since air china is so kind (eye roll*) to allow us 2 free bags, gosh darnit I'm determined to fit EVERYTHING we need into 2 suitcases. My husband is only getting half of a suitcase and I'm taking the other 1 1/2!!! HAHA! I can't help it, but when I'm going to travel for that long I have to PRE PLAN on what shoes that I'm going to wear and allow the correct amount of room for them. I'm looking forward to this trip and I'm very hopeful. However, I find myself very anxious and nervous at the same time. I'm going to miss so many people that I love and although I'm going to enjoy this time there I'm already ready to be back home. Please stay tuned for the next update. It'll most likely be during our 9 hour layover in Beijing. Did I mention it was 9 hours?? What do you do at an airport for 9 hours! Especially when no one speaks a lick of English? Do you think they have a Taco Bell in the food court? I'll be sure to give you guys an update on the Taco Bell crisis. Stay tuned. <3

If you are a family or friend, you may know that we are currently washing up everything we own and packing for Thailand. We will be leaving for Thailand on September 24 for my Billys stem cells treatments. We will be there a total of 19 days. I will be using this blog for interaction with the world around us to spread the word about his progress and our trip. So please, check back daily starting Sep 23. We fly out that day and I will keep updating as we go. I will also be providing as many photos from our trip as possible. Please keep us in your prayers!