Well the time has come and we are officially at the airport. I guess you may notice in the photo to the left that little Billy has found himself a friend. Yes, she is a cardboard cutout. However!, the terminal we are sitting in is full of about 100 NON-CUTOUT real Chinese people. They keep staring at us do to us being the only Americans in Terminal D. I kind of feel like we're already there because NO one in this room speaks a lick of English. I am definitely having fun people watching though. Ladies, you know how it feels when you go to the nail salon and the lady named Ling Ling or some other off the wall asian name is acting like she's your friend while doing your manicure, but you can tell she's really talking about you behind your back with a big ol smile on her face. Well, consider Terminal D a huge giant nail salon. Ugh.          


9/23/2013 02:52:55 am

Billy looks so sweet with his new friend! They are both smiling!! Love you guys!


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