If you look to your left, you will see a brief description of how the retro bulbar procedure works. If you take your finger and place it right above your cheek bone, and right under your socket of your eye you will feel the space that they will place the needles. The needles are a couple inches in length. After the needle is inserted its then maneuvered to fit behind the eye. A syringe full of stem cells, a little over 1cc in each eye, is connected to the needle that's behind his eye and the cells are injected. It fills the eye with quite a bit of pressure. I have a video of his procedure since they let me come in. I got to put on the hair cover and the mask just like I used to do when working in surgery. The video is a little too large to upload, but for those wanting to see it I do have it. I do have a photo though. 

Here he is getting the procedure. I think I took it harder than he did almost. By the time they were moving to the second eye, I saw tears running down his cheeks. Then I stopped recording because I lost it. His eyes must remain patched for 24 hours. Which you could see in the other photo in my previous blog. He has had to depend on me for everything since yesterday. It has really been an eye opener to what completely blind individuals go through on a daily basis. His eyes just got unpatched a few minutes ago while they did his acupuncture. Everyone is joking with him that I punched him in the eyes! Haha the Asians think its funny!

 I know I know, he looks miserable! It's really not that bad, I just caught him off guard when I took the photo. Tomorrow we are going to be going to see some temples and other touristy things! On Sunday, we are going to go see some old historic things as well as, the moment I've been waiting for! Seeing Thai elephants and riding them! I can't wait! 

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