 So, part of Billy's therapy is exercise. It helps stimulate the stem cells and gets them where they need to go. So here we are at the gym. (His physical therapist took the photo) the gym is on the 31st floor and over looks the entire city of Bangkok. If you have ever been to NYC and thought there was lots of buildings there, this place kicks NYC in the booty. You can see buildings as far as the eye can see. I decided I'd exercise with Billy because I got on their little Asian scale that tells you what your body fat and weight should be, and well that stupid little Asian scale said I'm obese. Lol please see the photo below.

 Isn't that just ridiculous? Ugh. Today Billy will be getting a doubled dose of stem cells. One will be administered by IV the other is called retro bulbar. Retro bulbar is where they put little tubing under the eye socket to the back portion of the eyes and administer the stem cells as close to the source as possible. He will then have to have his eyes patched for 24 hours. So we will be hanging out around the facility here. Yesterday we went to visit The Grand Palace, it is where the people can go and pray and it is where the monks stay. Also, that whole theory about monks not speaking? Yeah, I beg to differ. We saw them on their cell phones ;)  we are now going to go visit with our Australian friends..see yallsoom

9/30/2013 12:22:32 pm

I hate to hear everything he is going through. It sounds so painful !!!
Give Billy my best. "Obese"???? OMG.....no wonder they are all skinny around there.....with those kind of scales!!! Don't bring those homes. Leave those there!!!!

9/30/2013 03:59:03 pm

Oh trust me, I'm burning that scale before I leave here! It gave me a complex. Lol

Aunt Sherri
10/1/2013 08:14:46 am

The scale is giving me a complex, and I'm not even there!!! lol!!! Praying for you...I know it must be hard to go through the treatments as well as watching him go through the treatments.

Heavenly Father, I lift Billy & Jenny to You. We ask for total healing! Grant mercy, strength, peace and grace for all. In Jesus name, Amen!

10/1/2013 10:53:51 pm

thank you so much Sherri! We need all of the prayers that we can get! That meant a lot!

susan Oltz
10/1/2013 11:11:27 pm

How are you doing Jenn? Holding up okay?

10/2/2013 12:01:16 am

I'm doing good! Just feel bad for his bruised up eyes!

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