Hanging out by the pool as you can see. Billy is have his aquatic therapy while I'm basking in the sun. I'm joking, I'm really under a good bit of shade. What's the point of this therapy you ask? Well, as the doctor explained to us, you put the stem cells in your body expecting them to just go where you need them to go. The thing is, they need help by stimulating the body with exercise to increase blood flow throughout the body. This helps the stem cells thrive and do more of what they need to do. We have met some incredible people in the couple days that we have been here. One family in particular. They are from Australia and we have become very close with them. They are here for their 10 year old son named Ethan. Ethan has Optic Nerve Hypoplasia. For those of you unfamiliar with it, it is a medical condition were there is an underdevelopment of the optic nerve. Ethan went to China last year for stem cell treatments. Prior to going he could only see if there was a bright light nearby. He could not see in color, only in black and white. And he also was no able to see anything like family or friends. After their trip to China and the stem cell treatments there, Ethan actually went home and could see his hand in front of his face. He can locate items on tables and he can notice when someone is standing in front of him. It is blurry and definitely not sharp, but he has come sooo far. Ethan was born in total darkness and could not even see lights until recently. Ethan gets around with his walking stick and he has become very partial to me. He comes and finds me every single day. We sit and talk and we play. He's got his cute little accent and runs around asking for me. He has managed to know the elevator and the floors. He's on floor 2 and I'm on 3. He goes up to our floor and knocks on my door! Lol so we take a walk. 

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