Last night Billy had his first dose of stem cells administered through an IV. Today he has had his first acupuncture treatment. The Asian definitely use their medicine in association with their spiritual beliefs. The place where we are staying is called Better Being Hospital. It is a rehabilitation hospital. It is not your typical hospital. Just as you have seen from numerous movies, before you walk into a room you take your shoes off. Oh and all of you that think Texas is hot and humid think again! When you walk outside here, it's that same feeling of opening and oven and your eyelashes burning off! Haha also the humidity is even worse than home. Billy is doing a lot of resting after his last treatment because they advise you do not go into the outside light after receiving the stem cells at least for 24 hours. Everything is going well. We have had some excellent food! Way better than any Asian food in the US. 
Anastasiya Heim
9/26/2013 06:56:35 am

I am so excited for you! it seem like you are just being dropped into the Thai culture, which is really the BEST way to do it anyway! cant wait to keep reading about the rest of your trip!!!!

9/26/2013 05:25:38 pm

We've really enjoyed it! Wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys!

9/26/2013 11:54:54 am

I have really enjoyed reading everything. How is everything going? Did you do anything special for his birthday? Hey, is there a Popeyes? If you get withdrawls...I will mail you some in a shoe box!!!!

9/26/2013 05:29:58 pm

We did go to dinner, but there is no Popeyes here! Lol they have a lot of chain restaurants like mcdonalds and Burger King. But mcdonalds has a samurai pork burger. Nothing like we have at home. And from what everyone says, STAY AWAY from those type of places when you're here! Anastasiya, you know I mean! Didn't your husband get sick? I have a lot of photos of food I need to upload but they're taking forever.

Anastasiya Heim
10/1/2013 12:10:23 pm

I am sorry I never saw an update of these comments! Yes, Stay FAR AWAY from that food! Its much safer to eat street food than popeyes or ESSPECIALLY Burger King. Not only did he get sick but he had to be hooked up to an IV while we were there!!

The people that sell street food in the same places in town HAVE to KEEP clean, otherwise their coustomers would get sick and they would loose business. The chainstores know that they will always have business, thats my theory!

10/2/2013 12:09:05 am

Oh ya we've stayed away from most of those places!

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