Remember about the 10 year old boy named Ethan that seems to find me all the time? Well, he has it timed everyday. He shows up at 12:30 like clock work. Then he asks his famous question, "hello Jennifer, have you had your lunch today? What about William, has he had his lunch yet? Was it good?" Every single day he asks that same question. So now around 12:30 everyday we just leave the door open so he can come in. He is so smart. He can tell you how to fix anything. He told me how to change some of my settings on my iPad. It's amazing how he knows these things. He keeps billy and I cracking up because of his accent and his proper English. He always says, "oh dear!" 

Aunt Sherri
10/1/2013 08:25:49 am

Jenny...I'm weeping as I read your blog today. Ethan has such a big smile on his face...I feel so ashamed. I gripe and complain over such small problems. Lord, please forgive me! Ethan AND Billy are helping me to keep my perspective. Thank you for communicating with us. All of us are so glad to know all is well thus far. We love you..."Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice." (Phil. 4:4)

10/1/2013 10:56:45 pm

Ethan has been a humbling experience for me. I complain about so many things and it could be so much worse


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